Supporting & Resourcing Parents
Taking The Awkwardness Out Of The Tough Conversations

Sex + Relationships
Social Media
There is no instruction manual for parenting. Yet it is one of the most important tasks you will ever do.
As your child moves into their teenage years there are so many conversations that you need to be having. We often say if you are not speaking to your child about these topics then someone or something else will be. And that something else is usally the internet or social media. And the information they are coming away with is inaccurate, in appropriate and often undermines a healthy vision for the human person and sexuality.
Parent often avoid having the tough conversations because they feel ill equipped and don’t know what to say.
Here at Choicez Media we are committed to supporting and equipping you as the primary educators of your child.
Our easy to use parent portal is a curated platform of high quality resources from experts you can trust.
Everything you need in the one place.

Parent Portal
Everything you need in one place

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